“Do You Drink Coffee?”

When we are a little ways into a new journey, we like to ask questions.

In health and training, people might be learning the basics, developing discipline, finding the groove, or even just learning to manage stress better.

Then, they often look for assurances. 

“Do you drink coffee?” They ask.. or “Do you eat chocolate?” 

Or, they’ll offer a statement: “No I don’t eat any sugar…” then look for an agreement or assurance.

But, in the context of the overall journey, almost always, the little questions that are asked are inconsequential.

People look for assurances – they’ve heard coffee or sugar might be good or bad, so they want assurance on this. They want to “know” they are on the right track. They believe chocolate or ice cream is bad (in my opinion, it’s certainly not.. but that’s for another post!), and are looking for assurance, looking for an agreement or some positive feedback.

These little things don’t matter. The question is do you look at the whole or just individual parts? 

Those who are leading us in any area simply show up and do the work consistently, not just sporadically. The assurances don’t matter, it’s the consistency of the whole approach.

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