The Urgency to [Re]-Start

I have written about the importance of having up-front urgency, or the urgency to start here.

Once we’ve started something though and we hit a road-block, maybe we are sick and have to pause our training, or nobody buys our product, or we didn’t have enough time for our meditation.. so, we occasionally pause.

Maybe it’s to reflect, recalibrate, recuperate… or maybe it’s “resistance” as Steven Pressfield describes.

Anyway, we get to a point where we are off track and need to start again.

I see this a lot in the gym – time off of training. There was initial urgency, then a break.

The break is given too much credit and seems to carry “energy.” There is often resistance to starting again. It’s as though the break was a sign of weakness, or failure.

It’s not.

If having urgency to start was important, having urgency to start again is even more important.

The journey is effectively binary, it’s in 1’s and 0’s. You are either showing up and doing something, or you’re resisting. In a way, it’s on, or off.

“Off” is fine if it’s called for – whether it’s rest, regrouping, or pausing, but we must waste no time in simply picking ourselves up and starting again when it’s called for. Often we can take what we learned before and make some tweaks. 

The past is behind, it’s a new day and a great day to start.

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