The Gap

In training and in business, we can prepare for an event to an extent.

Say we are learning a new movement or are going to launch a product. We can master the progressions, all of the stepping stones.

For example, your first chin-up.

We can be almost there. We can pretty much taste the movement.  


We aren’t there yet.

Here exists a gap. No matter how much you prepare, you still have to jump into the gap. In the gap, things get a little messy. It’s not impossible, but it’s certainly not polished.

I’ve seen people delay way too long before trying to bridge the gap and tackle the final movement. They needed to be absolutely sure that they were ready. This is the perfectionist – afraid that the finished product might not be quite right. So they delay.

 I’ve also personally been on the other side too many times, where more work was definitely needed before trying to cross the gap.

Understanding the gap – doing the work required before you try to jump across but also setting aside the fear that it might not be perfect at first is the balance.


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