The Future Value of Your Practice

The Future value of an asset is the value of the asset at a specific (future) date.

It is the present value multiplied by the accumulation function. In a financial sense, it assumes a certain interest rate, or rate of return.

Our practices also have a future value.

We have to understand that everything trends towards increasing disorder (chaos, or “entropy”) – without work, things generally go pear shaped at an increasing rate. Therefore we can see there is some level of “work” that helps to mitigate this (even if just a little..) – or helps to maintain order.

This could be the average amount of work or energy needed maintain your health, mobility, strength or state of mind…

Then we have scope to do a little more than the minimum. Here’s where the future value of what you are doing gets interesting.

Lets consider the future value of a light, but frequent mobility practice. A moderate but frequent strength practice. A healthy mindfulness practice…

When we consider the potential upsides here (or downsides of avoiding them), then the future value is high. The rate of return is high:

– Mobility and strength in our later years

– Clarity of mind or less anxiety

Some good stuff.

This has to shift these practices up fairly high on the priority list.

For anybody.

Even small amounts of regular work that you do now can have an immense impact for your future self. 

Now we just need to make sure we are doing the right work that serves us.



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