
Chaos should be regarded as very good news.” ‒ Trungpa Rinpoche

It seems we expect order. We give a linear effort, with our work, training, nutrition and expect an upwards trajectory as long as we maintain this effort.

Positive input leads to positive output. Makes sense… in a mechanistic world.

The weather, nature, the trees, our bodies (down to our brainwaves and footsteps) are governed by non-linear dynamics, or fractals. They are chaotic.

These non-linear patterns  are not highly predictable (beyond very short term in some cases).

The fact that they are chaotic is a sign of health. Linearity is man-made.

We can compartmentalise our days, organise our affairs as much as we like, but at the end of the day, we too are governed by these non-linear dynamics.

We will see injuries, pains, frustrations, break-downs as well as break-throughs, improvements and more.

So, since life is chaotic by nature, then perhaps we should regard the odd unexpected event as good news.

By definition, the only time we will be free from chaos is after we’re all finished up!

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