Non-Linear Jumps (and the mentor, coach and mastermind)

As humans, use linear systems, but in a way,  chaos is the natural state.

When we follow linear systems or patterns, day in, day out, we often forget this. We expect linear results in life and linear change. Each day, a little older, maybe smarter, maybe a little stronger.

However, in reality, we often see non-linear jumps. This is a sudden, significant improvement in performance.  We can use this realisation to our advantage.

Where do non-linear jumps, or breakthroughs most frequently come from? Let’s take a look:

  1. Experiences which increase awareness.  Sometimes this can instantly change how we perceive the world and our behavioural patterns. This could be a workshop, travel, a retreat – there are a lot of options, but they are always outside of our typical daily routine.
  2. Changes in environment. Environmental enrichment can quickly change our perception of reality
  3. “Keystone” habit changes. Charles Duhigg talks about these in “The Power of Habit.” These can create widespread shifts in other areas. I believe meditation and having a physical training practice are both one of these.
  4. Big Goal events. When people train for a marathon and complete their first one, they become empowered. They did something they didn’t know was possible. We are almost always capable of doing more than what we believe is possible.
  5. Pressure. Sudden time and financial pressures have a great way of bringing in non-linear jumps. When we have to do something, quickly, we get shit done. This can be another great way to re-calibrate our realisation of what we are capable of.

By their very nature, non-linear jumps are uncomfortable. There has to be tension and this is what can keep us stuck in the linear.

A final note then: having a coach, mentor, mastermind group or even “hero” that we look up to can be a huge asset. These tools can remind us what is possible and regularly expose us to that uncomfortable position that promotes sudden growth



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