When did that happen?

Progress isn’t linear.

For the long game pursuits: mindfulness or our physical training practice for example, change can also be slow. In fact, not being able to see day to day progress is almost what makes them long game and so worthwhile. 

However, 6 months, one year, 3 years, 10 years down the line, we look back and we can see some pretty incredible changes. The body and mind is so plastic and adaptable, there is a huge amount of potential for change and learning.

We look back, we know there has been change, but we can’t put our finger on exactly when it happened or how?

Knowing this gives us great insight in the present moment. We can clearly see that to get the results, we don’t need the “hacks,” we don’t need improvements every day. There is a trend line happening.

We only need to keep showing up, being present and doing our best work possible.

Trusting the process, without the ability to see short term or daily results requires patience, but rewards those who follow the path.



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