
With so much readily available information, people have an insatiable desire to learn. To find out more. To “get more info.” 

The opposite of this is the direct route. To practice, or to lean by feel.

The research learning is a cultivation of borrowed knowledge, a collection. The practicing is the creation of your own knowledge.

Both have a place, but many people underestimate (and under-utilise) the power of the latter. The practice also requires a higher level of awareness.

No amount of reading or watching tutorials will make you better at writing, spearfishing or handstands. Being fluent in the strategy of pro cycling won’t win you a spot in the Tour de France.

With everything you want to develop, more fitness, better health, better sleep, a meditation practice, what can be practiced today? Now?

Can the practice of this become an effective habit? 


[I now have a Facebook Page. If you like, this can be accessed here. It includes the odd update from my blog as well as occasional video or interviews]


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