[Program] – Develop Your OWN Practice

What is the role of a stillness practice?

How can meditation or breath work help?

I’ve created a video for you where I outline four key ways it has helped me, you can check it out [here.]

Also, I am in the early stages of launching an exciting new program focused around  developing your own meditation practice, not via Apps or classes. This will include a couple of different types of meditation and also the science behind what we do. 

Enjoy a long-term meditative practice that you can do anywhere, anytime, to go alongside a busy life.

This will be live later this year, but here’s how you can get involved a little ahead of schedule:

Right now, I am looking for the first ten people to join me to test the program, at a heavily discounted rate.

The program is delivered via email and you will also be part of a closed (optional) Facebook group.

This is supported – you will receive videos for each meditation, and it is also integrated with my research around habit development and accountability. 

The program would require about 20 minutes per day of commitment, over 67 days. This test group is starting soon.

The investment for this beta test group is just $67.

If you are interested in finding out more, check out the page [HERE] and simply leave your details, or just hit reply as usual and let me know.

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