Cathartic Movement and Meditation

A lot of times, when we talk about meditation, the thought of sitting still can drive people insane.

Meditation need not always be a sitting practice of course, but there are unique aspects to sitting that are not usually available in all other forms.

For a lot of people (I’ve found with younger men in particular), simply waking up and “sitting” is just not going to work. Let alone creating a longer practice or doing a retreat.

There is too much built up energy. The body needs to move and the mind needs to unwind through movement.

This is natural.

Cathartic movement can be a great way to dump this built up tension. 

Running (fast!), dance, jumping, chaotic movement can all be a great “lead in” to a silent or stillness practice and take care of the expulsion of energy prior to sitting.

Exercise prior could also be an option. 

This is also why ultimately the two worlds meet so well. The movement – strength, moving, force, power up to a maximal level occasionally… And then the stillness. One needs the other.

To sit perpetually in meditation is to miss out on the expression and development of the physical, but to focus purely on the body and movement in space means missing out on deep, prolonged inner silence, insight and for moments – no self.

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