[Ash from Charge] – Meeting In The Middle

When you meet with friends, you choose to do an activity.

It’s usually (always?) something that one person is somewhat OK at. 


  1. We love to do what we are good at, OR
  2. We love to follow instructions or a dogma, or be told what to do

However, to meet in the middle, at the unknown, is a golden gem.

To purposefully choose a new movement, a new sport, a new hobby or activity and dive head first into it, with little to no experience. To go to the class that neither of you have done before. To try the new meditation space down the road without having every tried to meditate.

To authentically try hard, yet struggle together, both at the same level of the rank beginner, can be a great, refreshing experience and create a great space of connection.

Shoutout to my friend and fellow gym owner, Ash at Charge CrossFit. We created a fortnightly appointment that started off just to train but is quickly turning into a great exploratory session.  I look forward to it each time.

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