Retreat 2018

Just one note on our second big event for the year.

I recently confirmed that I’ll be running a second unplugged Meditation and Movement retreat in 2018. 

We’ll be heading away at the start of August, for 5 days of practice, exploration and immersive learning. These retreats are unique and I’m excited to go deeper in what will be our third event of this kind.

Each retreat is an evolution and builds on the ones prior. We work hard to integrate new material and concepts that we learn and experience over the year.

Below is a short clip from one of our attendees in the last retreat.

You can hear some more stories about our retreats [HERE].

If you’d like to find out some more about the event, hit reply and let me know and we can connect. These events have sold out each time and it is highly likely to happen again, as numbers are very limited (8-10 max) to maintain the quality and type of experience that we are looking for.

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