“Losing Weight,” or body composition.

“So, how do I “lose weight” If I shouldn’t do fasting, keto, or low-carb?…

Plus you say don’t do endurance sports or HIIT.. What do I do?”

Great questions. 

The first thing to consider is that we must come from abundance.

We know that our muscle mass, when at rest, prefers fat for fuel.

We also know that elevated cortisol, or stress hormones, are very counter productive to losing excess body fat. 

Therefore, we use three main drivers to improve body composition sustainably:

  1. Increase lean muscle mass. This involves resistance training. Hands down, no questions asked. We can use metrics to make sure we aren’t doing too much, but resistance training is the only real way to increase muscle mass. This helps to burn bodyfat (and contributes to body composition)
  2. We we food to down regulate our nervous system. Food frequency and food choices. We are after metabolic foods, and we largely avoid polyunsaturated fatty acids (not metabolic)
  3. We use the breath to down regulate our nervous system. This means working to increase CO2 threshold, or generally speaking reduce our breathing, or work towards a subtle breath. This could include forms of meditation, or direct breath work. This is different for each person. We generally want to avoid excess breathless exercise, endurance training, or hyperventilation methods.

Essentially, we up-regulate our metabolism and decrease stress as much as we can.

This is opposite to many the approach of many in the fitness industry.

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