Your Guidelines

Sleep 8 hours, drink 2.75L of water per day, walk 10,000steps.

As awareness drops, we need more guidelines and rules.

When the race cars are tuned before, during and after a race, they likely don’t need lights on the dash board for a blocked particulate filter or blown tail light. 

When I worked on F/A-18 jets doing structural repair, we knew exact lengths for each micro crack on the jets. It is essential to remain alert and aware.

However, now, for us, the guidelines are there. They exist usually because people do too little, so they are some attempt to bring things up to par.

But above the guidelines, we still can cultivate awareness. 

How do you feel? Are you tired? Perhaps you need to adjust your bed time? Your stimulation prior to when you go to sleep?

Perhaps you need more than the standard 8 hours?

Do you feel stuck, agitated, tight? Perhaps some walking.. Maybe more steps today.

Our health as a population seems to decline, despite the guidelines and quantifiable data increasing.

The long game though is to develop awareness. How we feel, how we eat, how we breathe, how we move can all help us, usually more than following a guide.

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