What If I don’t Have Time?

I gave a talk yesterday and a common question at the end was:

“I simply don’t have the time for what you are saying.”

Here’s the thing. 

The discussion is in three areas:

1) How we utilise what gaps we do have. We all have spaces in our day/week/month. Some just fill them differently. What can we do in the context of how we are living.

2) Reframing the situation entirely: shift to a new job, a new structure of working for you and your employees, a new office layout, or a new way of living so that your physiological needs can be met. 

and, more commonly, choosing to do anything at all:

3) Even if I were to “donate” a free 2 hour spot during the week, even a block of time they were paid for, many people still would not know how, or not choose to address the underlying factors of how they eat, move and breathe, in order to create more vitality, health and connection. Here we are up against the “busy-ness” syndrome.

Sure, some people, for a small period of time, aren’t in the position to make adjustments or don’t have time*. 

But the conversation is typically with those who could if they really wanted (almost all of us.) 

For this group, we can challenge the way we think about food, exercise, stress and connection to create a life of health and vitality.



*even for this group, we can still address how we eat, breathe and move to positively impact our health, productivity and performance.


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