Rhythms – The Shifting Landscape

As we progress forward technologically, we have dropped many of our rhythms.

Our seasonal rhythm was down-graded when air conditioning became popular from the early 1950’s.

Our daily (circadian) rhythm was down-graded when commerce went global and the internet connected us all together.

Over the past 100 years, our default mode has been to lose a lot of our natural rhythms.

Our regeneration and restorative cycle that usually takes place as we slow down as an organism has been cut at the knees as the growth cycle has increased. We work more, rest less.

When we look at our training and nutrition, we need to keep in mind the broader context of where the general population is at.

We can use movement as a tool for abundance, to build resilience and freedom (to then go and enjoy), or we can mis-use it and let it simply become a mirror for the need to do more things faster and keep up with each other.

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