Going Headlong

I can’t do that!

I’m not ready for that!

Sure, often that’s the case. We need our progressions, we need to develop the foundations.

However, sometimes, we need to bridge that gap. There WILL be a time when the thought still exists, but you move through it.

What would happen if we could see through that one little thought a little more clearly? With a little more conviction?

What if we practiced the ability to abandon the security of being “ready?”

If occasionally, we just “tried” first, then turned to thinking?

I believe like anything, we can learn, we can practice this one intentionally.

Daily, maybe if we go headlong just once or twice, on something small – a new movement, a new recipe, or even a new creation? Perhaps then, we become more skilled at this?

“To live dangerously means to live. If you don’t live dangerously, you don’t live. Living flowers only in danger. Living never flowers in security, it flowers only in insecurity.” – OSHO

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