Crushing Winter Like a Champ

Physiologically, we exist very differently in Winter*.

Unlike many animals that hibernate, we keep going at full speed.

Our main task then is to keep the metabolism firing, while being mindful of the seasonal and energetic shift.

Many people find Winter very difficult, their metabolism is compromised even in Summer, so when the cold comes, their body temperature drops significantly.

The body slows, energy stagnates and we see wide-spread coldness, anxiety, frustration, seasonal depression even and poor immunity.

Here’s my go-to focus list for crushing Winter. Each of these could be a post in itself, but here we go anyway:

  • More outdoor time (more light)
  • More food
  • More food frequency (eat upon waking)
  • More metabolic foods
  • More strength training
  • More Love
  • More Meditation
  • More rest
  • More Abundance
  • Stop Fasting
  • Less cardio
  • Less breath (use breath retention/apnea/holds)

Understanding and feeling out the shifts that help the body in Winter goes a long way in helping to you fire on all cylinders and keeping the energy and mind in a positive place.

If our demands are too high, things get a little compressed and difficult as our resources (such as light) tend to be a little more scarce at this time. We feel conflict.

In Summer, of course many of these still apply, but generally our resilience seems to be far higher due to more light and warmth.


*More so for those living at higher/lower lattitudes

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