Physical Transformations

To change the mind requires awareness. It is more difficult (because it is more confused), but it can be non-linear.

It can be instantaneous.

To change the body is more simple, as the body is just the follower.

However, the body takes its time, it is mechanical.

In 2009 I raced at the Hawaii Ironman triathlon World Championships at 73kg. I finished the marathon after the bike ride in very hot conditions in 3:23. Not fast, but still faster than I had done in a previous race to qualify.

In 2015, I owned a gym, at 83kg, I had trained to complete a 250kg deadlift, which was triple bodyweight.

The systems or physiology required for the two different tasks are completely opposite.

The mind also was completely different. Previous beliefs, assumptions and limitations had to be dropped or shifted.

I don’t share these because they are significant feats (people go FAR faster and lift FAR more, daily), but simply to show one example of a physical shift.

There was a 1-2 month period where the “mind” shifted away from endurance sports as being optimal. It “moved away from pain.”

There was a 6 year period for the body to transform it’s constitution towards a stronger platform. To be able to shift from one task to the other. 

A lot of times people want to see a 6 week transformation, or an 8 week transformation.

This is a short game way of thinking. The 6 week period is enough to serve as a “taster.” To see if the task you are pursuing “might” be what you thought it was. To decide if you really want to go down that road.

Then, in my experience, the shift is from looking at 6-8 weeks to 6-8 years.

The attention on the mind is paramount. It is the navigator. Given the right tools, nourishment, rest and direction, the body will go further than you ever imagined.

But, it takes time.

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