How to Levitate

We are bombarded with images of people levitating.

People doing amazing achievements: marathon running, big wave surfing, handstands, starting amazing businesses, trekking for hundreds of miles.

So we too set off on the journey. We buy a surfboard, enter the race.

The human body and mind is capable of supernatural feats. Of rising above gravity. Levitating!

However, to levitate, first we must be on the ground.

We need to be grounded.

For a lot of us, we spend most of our time indoors, at work, at a desk, or under artificial lighting. This is perhaps part of our job, or a requirement (for now).

However, this is usually an unnatural state, so we need to do a little extra work to make sure we are good to go.

If we try to levitate from here straight away, we have no foundation. Our rhythms and sleep are usually off, or breathing is often off, we might be a little stressed. If we push the boundaries from this position, we risk early burnout, or simply falling short of our goal.

We also might need to do some work to ground our body for any more advanced movement. This could be mobility work, postural or strength work.

So, we cover some basics to make sure we are grounded. Of course, this can be in the context of the same job/house/environment (sometimes, but not always), but may just be some habit shifts to serve our physiology.

From the grounded state, we can begin the journey to levitate. 

The fastest way to the supernatural feats is through the natural. 

The fastest and only way to levitate is to ground ourselves first.

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