Finishing the Job

Recently we had a new sink unit put in at the gym.

There were 5 or 6 tradesmen there to do the job. Most were watching while two worked.

When they left, there were foot prints and dust everywhere. There had been a small effort to tidy up, but the clean up process after they finished was significant.

We happened to have another tradesman in a couple days later to fix a roller door. Again, a decent mountain of dust and offcuts were left behind.

I’m interested in this as it mirrors a lesson we can learn for our health/movement/training or fitness journey.

The most effective, smartest and most sustainable approach for the system as a whole, is to complete the job fully.

The “doing of the exercise” is part of the job. We also have a few other parts of the job:

1. The waking up, the meal before the workout

2. The mindset work to make sure you are in a good place mentally to train, so that you get the results

3. The post workout down-regulation including a meal, quietening the breath, perhaps a cool down

4. The sleep, nutrition and lifestyle factors during the day to support the system, such that it is able to do it all again the next day

A lot of times people like to compartmentalise – the job is done once the tools are put away. 

But really, the job is done if the environment (or system) is left in a better state than before. If we would happily invite them back in for more work. 

In our training, our job is done when we complete the circle. When we have alignment and sustainability both during the session, but on either side of it as well.

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