There are gyms, personal trainers and gym owners, and then there are guys like Vik.

Vik and his wife Sarah own and run an amazing gym in Sydney’s Northern Suburbs. 

We were fortunate to spend some time with them recently on our second unplugged Expedition Retreat. The energy they brought was amazing. 

Vik is not only an amazing technician with his craft, but he also has passion for connecting with everyone around him on a deeper level and really, really helping those who train with him in all aspects of life.

I’ll be visiting Vik on July 22nd to run a workshop. 

This will be focused on strategies for recovery and down-regulation. We’ll be going into how this can impact your training as well as foster greater vitality and connection in broader life.

Quite a few of the tickets are already sold, but there are still some remaining. This is a 3 hour workshop. 

This would be a great event for anyone in the Sydney area looking to improve their training, health and wellbeing or awareness of states of mind and energy.

I would love to see you there.

You can check it out or grab tickets [HERE]

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