“Training” Relaxation

The art of relaxation – “Relaxare” – to “release.”

Not just to band-aid the problem, but to let go.

We know that when we move beyond tension, when we let go into relaxation, we recover faster, learn better, remember and connect more.

But what if we can’t do it? What happens if we try, but fail?

To relax fully takes time, it takes practice, like an art, or a skill.

To begin, the tension itself is a part of us. A part of who we “are.” It will not allow us to let go initially. 

So, like any skill, falling in love with the practicing of the skill itself is the main thing. This allows us to progress, to play the long game. We don’t worry about the first few attempts, regardless of how terrible they might be!

So, if you try one form of relaxation and it didn’t work, no problems, the question is, was it enjoyable enough for you to try it again? To keep practicing?

If so, it will come, in time. Create the habit, chip away. Play the long game.

If not, try something else – there are a number of ways to illicit the relaxation response and no “one way.” For some, to sit still in meditation is torture. They need to move.

For others, sound might be the answer.

Enjoying the journey, or the process is (once again) the name of the game.


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