Which Gear are You In?

The body is constantly creating and modifying structure through information and energy.

The mind is also constantly updating and modifying behavioural patterns. Again, through information and energy.

The information is the context of the environment, and our state.

We move the “energy” through movement, breath and thought, or “intent.”

The type of state we are in, or the “gear” we are in, plays a big role in influencing the type of structural changes that occur – our sleep, our ability to lose bodyfat, or gain muscle – the information and energy we have created decides everything (largely via neurception and then the hormonal cascades)

We can use tools to shift states – to up-regulate or down-regulate, depending on our situation.

But the first step then is to know, or learn to “feel” which gear (or state) we are in to begin with.


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