
“You can’t shoot a canon out of a canoe.”

This is a saying in the strength and conditioning world.

It means you need to have a strong “core” or midline, so that you can develop power at the extremities (legs etc). You can’t do isolation exercises at the legs and arms and neglect the trunk (well you can, some people do, but it’s not a very smart move…)

The same saying works on our energetic body as a whole.

To develop personal power, we need to be stable, grounded.

The root (or “base”) comes first. Then comes the power, the drive.

If we drive hard from the get-go, we have no base, no stability. It’s easy to lose our centre.

However, once we spend the time and energy to learn to ground ourselves in today’s busy world, the light goes green and we can start to dial in our potential.

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