Practicing Starting

Consistency, or continuation towards mastery in the “one thing” is tough.

But to even get on the court, or to even see if we are aligned with the journey, we need to start.

The thing is, we don’t need to start on the exact end product right now.

We just need to practice starting something.

Something that looks like it might point in the direction we want.

Maybe we want to develop some strength and resilience in the physical body. Well,  we can start with a single pushup, or a walk. We start with moving.

Or, maybe we want to cultivate a consistent meditation practice. We can start with sitting on the bench at the park for a minute on the way to work and simply watching. We can start by watching the breaths for 30 seconds.

You could start either of these two journeys then while reading this.

As long as what we are starting has alignment with the general direction we want to go, often just getting the ball rolling is the key thing.

We can then create a habit, by just “starting” again the next day. We can then pivot and adjust course as we gain experience and insight. 

Often the main thing though is practicing getting going in the first place.

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