The “Type” of Journey

There is no “either way.”

To not “choose” the context of your journey is still to choose the context provided by society – the high school, the job, the corporation, the packaged food and packaged health-care.

The grind for someone else.

Somehow, we often find ourselves somewhere down this road, feeling repressed and wanting to break free, to do something great, or, at least something for us*

To choose our own context, or nature of our journey is to create something different. 

The nature of the journey can be one of Love, Connection, Adventure, Peace, Creation, Freedom, Compassion… or a mixture of these, or, you can define your own.

These are in capitals, because if you decide that your journey on one of these paths, then each decision, movement, or action ultimately needs to point towards this.

In a way, it helps us create a compass.

Why do you work where you work?

Why do you do what you do?

Why do you move how you move? 

What is the driving force? What is the context?

How do you relate to your family, partner or children?

Or, as a friend of mine Cole Clayton says: ultimately, “What are you breathing for?”


Cole has recently started a weekly blog – you can check it out here:

*I’m certainly not saying you can’t work for someone else. But rather looking at the driver of what is behind why you choose to do what you do.

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