The Spill Over of Down-Regulating

“Down Regulation” – the calming of the autonomic nervous system (ANS), or in a way, the “conditioning” or “toning” of the parasympathetic arm of the ANS.

When we train at the gym to get stronger, we notice that we carry this “strength” with us. We have physical potential to use in all aspects of our life, not just in the gym.

The same is true with this concept of down-regulation. There is more to it than the time on the mat – more to it than the conscious work with breath or meditation.

While the time spent doing these things is certainly helpful and enjoyable, over time, we start to see the true benefits in everyday life.

1. We get more insight into how we are living day to day: We start to notice an increase in awareness of the state of how we are operating. We start to see how we are perceiving our environment and how the body is reacting to this perception.

2. We have more tools in the tool kit to use any time, if we choose to adjust the “state” that we find ourselves in: We find that the tools that we might have used on the cushion in “practice” are still with us. The attention of the breath, the noticing of the body, the increase in awareness of what is actually happening, right here, right now.

The work we do on the cushion, the formal practice is important. If we skip this, it is difficult to slow the pace of life down enough to develop the tools and increase awareness.

However, once these tools are developed, we have more options to help us live a clearer, happier life

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