Any Vehicle Will Do

If you decide you want to get from Sydney to Melbourne, to a point, any car will really do. 

In a 1985 Toyota corolla, a bus, or a Ford ranger 4×4, as long as you have fuel, you’ll make it.

You have defined the nature of the journey (to get from Sydney to Melbourne)

In life, if we define the context of our bigger journey as one of competition and comparison, any vehicle, or activity will do.

It won’t matter if you partake in yoga classes, go for long walks on the beach, are an investment banker or start a non-profit, any activity can support this context.

If we define the context of our journey as one of connection and contribution, again, almost any vehicle can still work.

The things we do, the groups we belong to, the clothes we wear or the image we identify with is our fabric, or our day to day reality.

Yes these things make a difference, but we can express connection or contribution across any number of jobs, sports or environments… if we want.

Taking the time to identify or define the deeper nature of the journey (our context) is helpful and we notice that now, we can express it through any number of ways – including right here today in our current job and present company.

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