Falling In Love

When you go down the path of movement, whatever that might look like for you, it’s kind of like falling in love.

There is the rush at the beginning when you start and then the inevitable times of difficulty or frustration.

In a relationship, often, these challenges allow us to grow

While we wouldn’t walk away at the first sign of an argument, our relationship with movement is the same.

Often the type of movement we do, the sport, the endeavours change, but the love remains.

When the challenge comes – maybe it’s motivational, time restriction or otherwise, what can we learn? How can we increase our overall awareness? What is the challenge telling us?

I see a decent percentage of people simply walking away – usually in today’s world, they are “too busy.”

Love is not fixed, as we are not fixed as humans. So rather than quit, walk away or stop altogether at a challenge in our movement or physical body, we can watch, be patient, change what we are doing, adjust other areas in our life or rest where needed and continue the journey.

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