The Longest Route is the Fastest Way

When we go to start a business, learn the handstand, reach a certain level of strength, there are a number of ways we can set out.

We can just start. That seems to be the fastest. It’s surely the shortest distance between point A and B.

Or we can pause for a second. We can look at what the journey involves, and (in a counter intuitive fashion) plan a longer route.

Maybe this is rehabbing a specific injury before we start on a new journey.

Maybe this is zeroing in on the value you can add a little more before building your website and start branding.

Maybe this is looking for the right mentor or coach to guide you on your journey before you begin.

All of these options are longer. It’s a longer, less direct route as the crow flies.

However, they are all faster in the long run.

When we take care of the required steps up front, in the correct order, our overall progress is often much, much quicker.*


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