Every Action has And Equal and Opposite Reaction

In distance running, how we run makes a huge impact on total time.

Our posture and mechanics are far more important than aerobic fitness or VO2 max.

Of course, this is the story in a lot of sports/athletic pursuits, but with distance running we have so many repetitions that the difference can be astounding.

Most people run with their foot striking somewhere out in front of the hip (if you were to draw a vertical line down from the hip.)

This places the foot in front of the body. We are also moving forward at a certain rate as a body. This means that in every stride, with this “over-stride” pattern, we are literally “breaking” ourselves. We are applying a force which is opposite to the direction we want to go.

If we tune up our technique, we start to land underneath the hip (underneath the centre of mass). This means that we run with less effort, as there is less wasted energy.

This carries through to everything we do. To move forward with our training, our business or relationships, are we unknowingly applying our own counter force?

Often our habits or actions might be limiting us in ways we don’t even see.

Instead of constantly trying to improve “output” when we want to run faster, we can spend a day with a running coach and learn better technique. This upfront shift can create years of improved results, with less effort.

To “grow” to the next level, often all we have to do is stop throwing energy away.

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