Tony Robbins, Lights, Music, Hyperventilation…

My friend just got back from a Tony Robbins event.

I’ve had a few friends come back from these events in the last 12 months.

I haven’t been to one of these, but from the sounds of it, the level of excitation that he brings across a 14 hour day is impressive.

Epic even.

Lights, music, singing, an ecstatic environment keeps people going for days on end.

Physiologically, there is a magic trick going on. When we ramp up our excitation level, we ramp up our cortisol, a mobilising hormone. We are in high alert mode.

In this round, he also introduced Wim Hoff breath patterns*

A similar thing happens when we walk into a mall with bright lights and music. When we move away from our centre, we are in a prime position to buy. This is how marketing works.

Now, this post has nothing to do with Tony Robbins or the course material.

It’s simply noticing another situation where state shifts can be used to elicit a particular response (physical and emotional).

These can be powerful for short term insights, for events, for non-linear jumps that can help us find new ways of thinking if used consciously.

Yet still, for consistency, for contribution, for physiology and for health, we inevitably come back to the long game…

*hyperventilation followed by long breath-holds. A strongly up-regulating technique. Similar methods have been shown to significantly increase cortisol.

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