FOMO is the fear of missing out. Missing a work email, missing a social media update.

Or, it could be the fear of missed opportunities – different ways/styles of training, different work you could be doing.

FOMO is short game.

JOMO is a new spin. This is the “joy” of missing out. Being content with that which you are doing right here and now and not having the need to go to post on said social media.

A-OMO is the acceptance of missing out.*

OK, so this one isn’t a “thing” – it’s my own creation.

A-OMO is the over-arching acceptance that to play the long game, you by definition will be missing out on other things, at all times. It’s not a fear, it’s not joy.. it simply is.

When we accept that to miss out is a universal law,** we can move forward. What is the task at hand that needs attention? What is the right action?

Then, do we have the environment, tools and energy at hand to carry this out the best we can.

*Do you have a better acronym for me? If so, please let me know!

**easily proven: by switching from a first activity to engage in a second activity, you are leaving the first and hence missing out once more. Unless someone has figured out omnipresence and universal attention, we are a little stuck at step one.

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