Belief – Tricking Yourself

Whatever it is that you are thinking of doing or working towards, you probably can’t do it yet, otherwise it would be there as a memory rather than a projection.

It turns out that convincing (tricking) ourselves that we can learn to do the task is absolutely the most important factor (without belief, there is no fuel).

I say “tricking” because it is. You literally twist space and time a little bit. I “can” do this even though we are referring to future tense. Present tense is powerful.

Some things I have found helpful:

  1. Remember other hurdles you’ve overcome. These didn’t seem possible either beforehand.

  2. Look around. Most likely, a lot of people are doing what it is you want to do. This means it’s often simply a learned pattern.

  3. Learned patterns or behavioural changes are repetitions, practiced over and over.

  4. No step is difficult when it’s in action, just the thought of it when you’re in inaction.

  5. Find mentors. Accountability with small steps is huge, as it helps to power up the belief (or Solar Plexus chakra)

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