“Seek Those who Fan Your Flames”

Set your life on fire. Seek those who fan your flames. – Rumi

Deciding the first stage – the main context of how you want to live, how you want to feel is big, hard and non-obvious, but potentially most important step.

When we try to create a cultural shift, or consciously choose our context (instead of living in a way we don’t like), then we find conflict.

Conflict with the old job, relationships that don’t serve us, or environments that don’t serve us.

The choosing of your own context or journey is to me, the setting of your life on fire.

The fire needs oxygen. It turns out that when others assist us, help us move forward in our chosen journey, they can “fan the flames” and help create a force.

The people we seek to have around us (conscious choice) help create our reality, our everyday environment.

These people can be one of the biggest influences on how well the whole thing starts to burn.

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