Grip Strength

It turns out, that “grip strength” has a strong correlation for the ability to recruit strength in many other parts of the body.

When we have a strong, closed grip, we have a circular effect outwards, including tension in our entire arm, shoulder and even trunk (try shaking someones hand with a maximal grip, but bring attention to your upper body as a whole).

I have never seen someone with a strong deadlift or upper body pulling ability with a weak grip.

We can use this in two ways:

  1. We can “train” or develop the grip – carries, hanging, ropes etc to help create overall strength

  2. We can use the opposite side of the coin – loosening and moving the fingers is a great tool for conscious relaxation and helps to remove tension in the rest of the body*

*another reason why it’s nice to walk with anything in the hands. : )


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