Natural Movement, Natural Breathing, Social Media

We are bombarded with imagery of high level movements, acrobatics, weightlifting or other athletics.

However, as any movement coach or corrective exercise coach will tell you, almost all of the work really today is on restoring a sound level of natural movement.

This means helping people restore the ability to move through natural ranges needed for everyday life, fluidly and without pain.*

It is the same for our breathing.

Restoring a natural breath pattern – relaxed, almost silent, passive exhalation and stems from the centre or dantian is today the main priority, as many people are stressed or tense (often without knowing it) and have a breathing pattern that reflects this.

So, while social media might prioritise high level yoga asanas and acrobatics, in reality, restoring natural movement and natural breathing is the main goal and creates the foundation for further work.

[ In a nice parallel, when the natural breath is restored, the movement becomes a little more natural as well ]

*This is then a sound platform for “higher level” movement work.

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