Unreasonably High Targets

Whether you have been at it for a decade, a year or a day, really each day is new and a chance to improve on our craft.

All too often though, we are “working” towards a target or goal that we’ve set.

Something that seems reasonable.

What happens when it is unreasonable?

Sure, there’s a possibility we fall short. But that potential is likely there anyway and is linked more heavily to our belief and habits than it is to the size of the target.

If you are starting back at the gym, why not get in the best shape of your LIFE!

If you are starting a business, why not create a global leader?

If you want to learn to do a chin up, why not go for 10?

Handstand? Go to one arm!

Set the targets unreasonably high.

The long game approach, down-regulation, recovery, nutrition and lifestyle factors are a tool. They are an important tool in creating sustainability.

They exist because we are human, but they also help us bridge the gap between doing something average on the short term and creating something amazing in the long game.

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