Jet Planes

In 2007 I worked as an Aerospace structural engineer on jets.

My job was in-flight structural repair design for the F/A-18 fleet in NSW.

There was something interesting when you got into one of these jets.

They were raw.

Rough even. Rivets were all exposed, as was the internal structure.

The instruments were basic and the cockpit was filled with simple switches.

They were extremely functional.

It was essential to see what we were working with, quickly, so that the repair work could be done quickly. This also kept the weight of the jet down to keep it efficient.

There is a time and place for the nice finish work, prioritising the user experience, the polish.

Rarely though, does it supersede the ability to move or function well.

Most of the time, the further we go, the more we find the two are usually closely related.

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