Silence, Silent Retreats

*I am heading away tomorrow into a retreat. I don’t write during these times. So, my next post will be on Monday October 29th”*

In art, when we learn to draw, sometimes we are taught to look at the “negative spaces,” the spaces around the object.

What do we have when we take “form” away?

What are the gaps?

When we can articulate the gaps fully, we can often appreciate the object more accurately.

To stop to observe the gaps seems like a slower process.

It is slower in that moment. It is taking our eyes off of the action. Off of the object or activity itself.

However, in the longer run it can teach us a valuable lesson that we carry with us.

To go into silence is to have the courage to study the gaps. To see what is left when there is no noise.

Yes, it’s a slowing down.

But yes, it’s a powerful tool or ally going forward.

You aren’t going to get much done when you pause for a little bit each morning or if you decide to go on a retreat, but you are going to learn something about existence itself when we take away the noise of daily activity.


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