Create a Fulcrum with Your Breath

What’s a “Fulcrum”??

So, this term came from one of my friends and mentors with the breathing work, Cole Clayton.

Cole talks about how we can create a “fulcrum” with our breathing..

A fulcrum can be defined mechanically, in terms of a lever, or it can be defined as something that plays a central or essential role in an activity, event, or situation.

In a wheel, the fulcrum is the centre. The essential mid-point, or the “hub’ of the wheel. It is the point about which everything else rotates and functions.

You mean I can have the breath as a central part of everything else…??

Yep. To me, the idea is that once we spend enough time and attention on observing our breath and really start to notice the somatic (fancy word for “bodily”) response to our different breathing patterns (and different life situations), we can identify or create a “fulcrum” with the breath.

See why this is the golden ticket?

We then can come back to this central point each day or each moment.

Something to come back to that plays an essential role in all situations..

What happens when we are stressed?

What happens when we are relaxed?

And, what steps can we then choose to take if we like?

But I’ve always “breathed…”

Yes, the breath was always there.

But before awareness is adequately developed, we can’t identify it as a fulcrum yet..

So, the first step then is the identification, the practice of awareness and of noticing*

I’ll go more into this part tomorrow…

*This is the long game path. Sure, some bypass this and go straight into “breathwork.” This can be a tool, however what can often happen then is bypassing the awareness step which gives us the fulcrum in daily life.

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