Habit Identification OR Creation [Breath]

Which shoe do you put on first?

How many times do you check your emails at work after 1pm?

These are patterns, or habits that we have, but they are typically also patterns that we don’t really know the answer until we really think about it, or record it.

So what?

So awareness of breath is a similar thing.

How do you breathe right when you wake up? What about when you hear the first coffee grinder?

How does the body feel?

There’s a lot of talk about habits…

But the thing is, 90% of them go on unnoticed (and usually that’s fine)

It is hard to become aware of subconscious patterns [of course meditation is still my number one tool for witnessing these or noticing these patterns, but…] and this is where a coach, a mentor or survey comes in.

We can take a field – such as our breathing – and directly INSPECT what is going on.

We do this with journalling or a survey type of format.

It’s kind like when we go to build building…

We do a land “surveying” exercise. We get a lie of the land, different heights, slopes etc.

Now we survey our breathing relative to other factors.

Once we do this a little bit, we start to build awareness of the breath as a fulcrum.

We find something we can come back to – we know the lay of the land!

This is a great tool as we start to really understand our physiology and our patterns. Why and when we are stressed, tired or frustrated, and what we can do about it.

This is something I use daily and something I try to continually learn more about. The impact I find is it becomes far easier to navigate my training, recovery, even food frequency and to help create deeper connections in relationships.

[P.S. If you are interested in finding out more, our 4 week Breathe Fit program is almost ready to go open. The results from the round of beta testers was awesome! If you are interested in finding out more, hit reply and let me know]

“A big realisation from the course are the subtleties of the posture, the movement, the breathing. Most people are forceful, “shoulders back, stand tall… breathe like this..” you guys are teaching it as something which is very nurturing for your body.  It’s linking in more and more each day. I’m grateful to have been a part of it.” – Emily

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