Contribute Powerfully? Is Your Information Knowledge?

To read, learn, study, even understand and re-propagate is separate to knowing.

To mirror, reflect, emulate and imitate is aside from having experienced.

Despite the amount of new leaders, facebook gurus and experts in any one field today, our own experience is the only way we can truly understand and learn anything of value.

What if we want to lead, to create change in the culture?

If we want to create change and contribute powerfully, we need to put ourselves first and cultivate our own true knowledge.

Yes we learn from a mentor, a coach, a course or a workshop. But this serves as a map, allowing us to discover and experience the landscape for ourselves.

We need to invest the time and emotional energy for ourselves.

We need to see it deeply for ourselves before we can share an insight with another.

To see, we show up, day after day, mistake after mistake, along the path of taking action and experiencing.

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