The Intensity/Impact Curve

Intensity is the power transferred in a certain amount of area, space or activity.

Power has a time element. It is the rate at which work is done.

In physics or mechanics, a higher level of intensity can create more impact in a certain amount of time.

This makes sense.

In movement, relationships, connection, contribution and making a difference, sometimes, we actually see an inverse relationship.

Yes, at the top end, a martial artist, gymnast or business can create a lot of impact with high intensity work.

Sometimes we can only acheive a certain result with intensity.

But for most of us, most of the time, in the long game, we have to show up again tomorrow. And the day after, with presence, form and integrity.

As we increase intensity, we often hit an inflection point where we decrease mindfulness, technique, attention and connection.

When we decrease intensity we allow for deep attention, deep understanding, better work and better mechanics.

Sure, it might seem slower today. But in the long run we often see a different story.

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