Focus Techniques

As inputs inevitably rise, it can be more and more difficult to do our best work effectively.

Ultimately, we need to make a choice – do we want to spend our time checking, replying, liking and filtering?

Or, do we want to actually complete the task that we originally decided to do, whether physical or otherwise.

Here are three nice little tools to cut out the crap and settle into your work:

  • Facebook Newsfeed Eradicator Extension – Blocks Facebook News Feed. I have had this installed for about 18months and counting. Chrome extension here, but others are available. There are a couple of factors that keep me active with a Facebook account, but the newsfeed is not one of them.

  • Whitelist Extension – Blocks all sites except for the address that you specify. Great if you are working on a set page or project for a day or a while. Chrome extension here. I’ve used this a few times when I’ve needed to really sprint on a project.

  • Tomato Timer. This is a simple web based Pomodoro method timer which sets up a 25minute work window with a 5minute break. Perfect to get up, walk around and get some breath work in!

Are they all necessary? Probably not.

But if you’re feeling a little blocked or distracted, they can be great tools to get you back on track and help you stay there.

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