Many Tactics, One Strategy [Awareness]

The one strategy can only be awareness.

To see a little more clearly. Maybe it’s our actions, our thoughts or our relationships.

To pause, to use the breath as our friend, to come back to what’s happening and sometimes to ask for help or advice.

As we do this together, our sense of connection grows. If I see myself just a little more clearly, and how I am relating, I also can see you a little more clearly.

She can also see him a little more clearly. Connection moves outwards.

Now the tactics, they change all the time. The type of training we do, the tools or allies we use for help, the breathing technique, the people hang around, the food we eat, the questions we ponder, the jobs we do.

Each tactic can be helpful in a different way.

But if we want, our strategy can still remain the same. To try to see more clearly, to come back to the breath, as we continue to move forward, adapt and grow and connect.

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