VIDEO INTERVIEW – Breath and Movement

Tension before Growth

The tension before the growth can be difficult

When we turn up at a new job, a new town, or hit a plateau in our work or our exercise.

When we go through a rough patch in a relationship or in our business

Sometimes if we push a little too much, it can lead to a breakdown, stress, fatigue, frustration or dissonance.

But quite often, soon after this, we see growth.

Pain or tension can be a magical thing, like a sign post that won’t go away until we really see what it is that we are dealing with. Where we are going astray.

Through this, we we find an increase awareness of the broader landscape.

What does it mean?

Well, maybe a few things

  1. When we are stuck, we know the frustration might need to peak a little more before we open our eyes enough to change course, and

  2. Feeling the tension or pain, can we relax into it just a little and try to see things a different way sooner? Can we find the pivot a little earlier.

  3. We know we are generally adaptive. This means that if the pain isn’t going away, the stimulus might still be off, or the inputs may still need further adjusting. This can be a challenge emotionally and can take some deeper inner work. We often need some outside awareness – another set of eyes on the situation to get clear

Here is a video (and audio) interview I did with the guys at Newstrength, where I talk a bit about some pain I went through in order to re-calibrate my thoughts on movement and exercise.

Plus there are some excited dogs across the way:

The Golden Ticket To Performance With John Marsh

[Here is another version on my site as well (audio might be slightly clearer)]

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