Distraction and Entertainment [social media]

“Is it not a very strange thing in this world, where there is so much distraction, entertainment, that almost everybody is a spectator and very few are players? Whenever we have a little free time, most of us seek some form of amusement. We pick up a serious book, a novel, or a magazine.” – J. Krishnamurti

This was from Krishnamurti’s book Think on These Things (1964).

If only he knew what was coming.

Today, each of us is augmented with a super-computer.

The drive towards a distraction and bombardment economy has changed the shape of marketing, business and entertainment for all of us.

At what cost?

Letting go for a moment the downsides we are seeing in posture, breathing and stress that are associated with the addiction to the Likes, videos and memes, what is the opportunity cost of the time investment?

What is the cost of connection, of contribution?

As we approach the end of 2018, and many set up “goals” or intentions for 2019, what would it look like if instead of adding, you subtracted?

What if you made space through less checking, scrolling and re-freshing?

What else is possible?

What might change in the mental landscape?

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