How do We Measure?

This morning, I took a movement and breathing class for 20 amazing women  in the wind and the rain at the beach.

The choice to come or not could have been measure on temperature, comfort or convenience, but it wasn’t.

They could have stayed in and slept, or had a warm coffee, but instead, they showed up.

Sometimes in our work or even our training we have something that we back away from, it’s mundane, or it’s hard.

What sort of approach do we choose here. Where to with this?

Do we head out into the rain?

I reckon we can agree that if we choose to engage openly, despite the stickiness, we are creating more new experiences and they are of a different nature than if we hold back.

The experience itself is deeper.

If we decided “depth of experience” is something that we prioritise, a way of making decisions, how would that change our day to day activity and flow?

PS – Live Training masterclass this Tomorrow (Fri) at 12pm Sydney time

“What is Healthy Training?”

I hope you’ll join me. If you can’t, yes, this will be recorded.

This will be a Zoom call, and here is the invite page (the button will work at the time of the call):

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